You can keep up to date with preparations for the big day if you want by a number of methods: is new service very similar to twitter but normally you must pay a subscription to use it (so it’s more secure and you personal details aren’t used).
We have a number of invites to give away so you can set up a free account which although provide a slightly limited account, will be more than enough for the needs of keeping up to date here. After the wedding, the account will no longer be used.
There are lots of clients for your phone or computer on the directory
However, this personal account will also contain our regular updates for work so most of you won’t find it very interesting.
You could filter for #rachadywedding if you prefer.
There are lots of clients for your phone or computer on theĀ directory
You wouldn’t normally want to follow our main account because it’s full of work updates but you could create a filtered search in twitter for #rachadywedding.
Use your favourite RSS reader and use this link to subscribe to our updates.